I’m definitely not a paid up member of the Organic Party, nor am I a constable for the Seasonal Police. Yet the past year has seen me cutting down my food miles and coming up with creative ways to use cabbage in February – hopefully not in an annoying, preachy way, mind you.
Then – via Time Out – I chanced upon a website called Odin.nl, through which you can subscribe to a variety of organic, seasonal packages, including fruit, vegetables and meat. So subscribe I did, and ten days later collected my first ‘combi abonnement’ from the Biomarkt. (Just for the record, Odin lost my order – you’re better off signing up with the Biomarkt direct.) I was surprised at the provenance of some of the produce (peaches from Italy, courgettes from Spain) but strangely heartened to find mud on my lettuce and a small green caterpillar crawling out from my misome greens.