
Post-pub munchies

Please note that since writing this blog post, Bazar has closed down

Please note that since writing this blog post, Shape has closed down

There are certain establishments that lend themselves rather better to post-Friday-night drinking than others. Or – let’s face it – post-any-night drinking. I can’t guarantee the sobriety of my reviewing skills, but these are some of my more recent munchie spots…

Cook Kai: Surprisingly good Thai food in a miniscule five-table venue. Takeaway (pick up only, no delivery) also possible. In fact, probably sensible.

Cafe de Koe: Cosy eetcafe and bar. Ostrich steak with truffle sauce was a particular favourite. Or was it venison? Oh lordy… Mixed tapas were – umm – international. Less recommended.

Shape: A restaurant that’s part of a gym (contradiction?), meaning that it’s called Shape, and it’s organic. The first occasion I ate there was a special barbecue night, which was excellent value. Subsequently, the fish I’ve eaten there hasn’t always been the freshest, and the chefs are lacking some basic sauce skills, but the meat is generally a safe bet.

Bazar: Actually, this experience was not recent at all – I ate at Bazar in my pre-blog days. But I noticed it was recommended by one of my site’s readers so I thought I’d include it. Simple North African food with no surprises and decent value for money. The size and accoustics of the venue, however, make it feel like a school canteen.

all the info

Bazar (Middle Eastern)

Cook Kai (Thai)

Cafe de Koe (Dutch eetcafe)

Shape (International)


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