Do any of you watch Saturday Kitchen on the BBC? You know the bit where they have the omelette challenge, which seems to be more of a contest to see how many egg jokes they can fit into a three-minute segment than whether anyone can cook an edible omelette? And it’s not just Saturday Kitchen – for some unfathomable reason, whenever the word “egg” comes up, copywriters everywhere feel compelled to make egg puns. Maybe because it’s just such an egg-ceedingly versatile little one-syllable word…
Hence, I presume, Omelegg: a play on omelette and egg (obvs) whose interior is about as cheesy as its name. In a nice way, mind you. It’s very un-Amsterdammy, too. Think Swiss lodge meets LA’s kitsch rustic impression of what Europe is supposed to look like. It’s got funny wooden booths with sledges hanging from the ceiling (maybe – I don’t actually remember, but it seems logical).
The menus are in keeping with the rustic theme: large wooden boards with the names of the dishes sort of soldered onto the wood. You’ve got to hope the chef doesn’t decide to change his mind after a month, or that’s some serious expense wasted. Not surprisingly, the dishes on the menu are egg-heavy: omelettes, shakshuka, eggs Benedict, scrambled or fried eggs… it’s more or less Hangover Heaven.