
Vicky Hampton’s Working Lunch has a publishing contract!

Having sold all the shares in my cook book, Vicky Hampton’s Working Lunch, via crowd-funding site TenPages in the summer, you will be pleased to know that I have finally signed a book publishing contract! The talented (and, dare I say, lucky?) party who will be helping turn my dream into reality is Mooi Media publishing house. ‘Mooi’ means ‘beautiful’ in Dutch, and their work is precisely that. I am pretty excited to be working with people who have such high standards when it comes to quality and detail, so here’s hoping it will be a great partnership…

(If you’ve not been following the Amsterdam Foodie for long (or if you missed all my posts about the book earlier this year), find out more about the concept for the cookbook here.)

So what’s next?

Early in 2013, I’ll be meeting with Mooi Media, my designer/stylist (Andrea Ibargutxi), my photographer (Jan-Kees Steenman) and those involved in promoting the book to plan out the production process. The next few months will be all about photo shoots: not just of the recipes but also a series of lifestyle images that reflect the concept of the book. Not forgetting the all-important front cover!

The design concept also needs to be finalised and the editing process completed during the first half of the year. The book will first be published in English, with an option to translate it into Dutch at a later date depending on demand. (Which means you should let me know if you have a burning desire to read my words in Dutch!)

At a rough estimate, Vicky Hampton’s Working Lunch will be printed and in the shops in time for you to put it on your 2013 Christmas list. There will, however, be an option to order the book online before it comes out, so watch this space. I realise this seems like a long time to wait – and, believe me, I feel the same. So I ask for your patience: Rome wasn’t built in a day (especially when the builders had a full-time day job), and nor was a cookbook!


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